The GLOSUS Sustainability Operating System

GLOSUS offers an innovative, easy-to-use software-as-a-service solution (The Sustainability OS) that helps companies of all sizes and industries holistically capture, transform, harmonize, aggregate, process, analyze, audit and publish sustainability information on environmental, social and economic topics.

Manage sustainability data enterprise-wide

The basis of the GLOSUS Sustainability Operating Platform is the database system, into which all sustainability data of the company are bundled. With the GLOSUS Library you have access to the generally valid standards by means of which you can classify your sustainability data fully automatically. With the various applications of the GLOSUS Platform, your data can now be easily and uncomplicatedly made evaluable and usable - for external purposes such as sustainability data reporting, or internal purposes such as the planning of a future-oriented management.

With GLOSUS' digital Sustainability Information Management (SIM), companies can make their sustainability performance transparent and tangible to relevant stakeholder groups and gain value-added competitive advantages in the marketplace alongside emerging compliance.

Each Application is tailored to your needs

Each application of the GLOSUS software supports you and your stakeholders for the optimal use and further utilization of your sustainability data. With the GLOSUS Library you have access to the latest standards and metrics you need for your sustainability reporting. Let the GLOSUS Compliance Radar help you comply with the increasingly complex requirements for your company. Use your data with GLOSUS Portrait or the GLOSUS Badge to signal your sustainability inside or outside your company. Our special service: We keep you up to date on the latest industry developments via GLOSUS Story.

GLOSUS Library

Collect and aggregate all sustainability information alongside characteristics, quantified KPI’s and qualitative stories across reporting units. Audit and publish them to relevant stakeholders. Select Key Sustainability Indicators from a predefined library to comply with various reporting standards and create additional individual Key Sustainability Indicators on-the-fly.

GLOSUS Compliance Radar

Keep an eye on current and future regulations. No problem with the Compliance Radar from GLOSUS. For each entity you are shown which legal requirements the respective company has to fulfill and which information has to be disclosed to fulfill the obligation.


Place your GLOSUS badge on digital media such as websites, shops, POS etc. to signal your sustainability activities to the world.

GLOSUS Portrait

Illustrate the sustainability of your company in a structured portrait. Make the sustainability performance visible and tangible for your company's stakeholders.


Create sustainable stories to underline your strategy and initiatives. Publish them into the point of decision of your stakeholders.

Why do you need a Sustainability Operating System?

Sustainability Operating Platform helps you effectively manage and implement your sustainability goals. As a software-as-a-service, you can access your data easily and at any time and monitor the impact of your measures. With this single source of truth, you bundle all relevant sustainability data within your company and the value chain - for increased efficiency in evaluation and reporting.

The benefits include a holistic approach to sustainability. This includes clear goal setting and progress tracking, efficient data management, comprehensive reporting for transparency, risk management, efficiency improvement, stakeholder engagement, competitive advantage, and long-term business viability and regulatory compliance.

What are the benefits of sustainability information management for your company?

Book a non-binding and free appointment with our GLOSUS expert team now to analyze together the potentials through the holistic management of sustainability data for your company.

With GLOSUS you take the step into a sustainable and efficient future. Book the next appointment now!

FAQs about Sustainability OS

What challenges do companies face in managing sustainability data?

Natural resources and environmental impacts on a company and its value chain need to be accurately measured. However, there is a lack of industry-wide standards, making comparisons difficult. Data collection is cost-intensive, and compliance with legal requirements is complex. The GLOSUS Sustainability OS takes on the costly aggregation and transformation of data for you, enabling comprehensive control and evaluation of your sustainability initiatives, as well as legally compliant sustainability reporting.

What advantage does software for holistic sustainability data management offer?

A sustainability management software enables centralized data management, efficiency improvement, real-time analysis, compliance, transparency, identification of improvements, and strategy optimization. With GLOSUS, you have a Single Source of Truth for your sustainability data.

What does the GLOSUS Sustainability OS support?

In companies, numerous questions arise regarding sustainability data management, including: How do we collect and manage reliable sustainability data? How do we ensure data quality and compliance? How do we analyze and report on this data? How do we integrate sustainability goals into our strategy? How do we transparently communicate about it? How do we optimize resources for these purposes? With the Sustainability OS and its various applications, you are well-prepared to tackle these challenges. Do you have questions about GLOSUS and the functionalities of the Sustainability OS? Contact us now!

The enterprise GLOSUS is granted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST program - University-based business Start-Ups.